By Dr. Kavita Aggarwal
Chairperson, MISA
Quality in school education determines how much and how well children learn and the extent to which their education translates into a range of personal, social and developmental benefits.
The right to education in school is not only the right to access education but also the right to receive a good quality education.
Education must be available and accessible but also acceptable and adaptable.
The current school educational system in India has changed drastically. It has advanced the mechanical habits of thinking and stereotyped ways of doing things which has increased the efficiency in our educational institution. The destiny of our country is shaped in our classrooms. The high expectation from educational system can only be possible if our educational system follows the principles of management.
In today’s world, globalization is rapidly increasing, bring with its extended mobility, access to knowledge across borders. The learners are full of curiosity and due to globalization in education, the educational processes have to be knowledge and application based.
Increased demand for higher education including E – Learning especially in developed countries, growing worldwide investment and increased capacity to expand market for education has increased tremendously.
Increased competition from foreign institution is of special concern to developing nations like India. Information technology and communication has undergone a major expansion in its application to education in many parts of the world.
Our education system is dominated by the number game (marks oriented studies).
India has strategically poised for dramatic growth in the field of education. The past few years have witnessed a growing demand for a special curriculum and educational structure.
The school curriculum exerts an important influence on learner’s learning: A rich and rigorous academic curriculum promotes high levels of student achievement, and curriculum differentiation is associated with achievement inequality. These findings suggest that curriculum change may be a potent policy lever.
Teaching involves much more than the guidance of learning activities. It also involves relationships with learners, parents, administrators, fellow teachers, and the community. These relationships can enhance or limit the success of any teaching method and ultimately the level of learners’ achievement.
We do not need mere academic excellence; we also need value based education. True education is training of both the Head and the Heart. If we want to build character in our Schools, Offices, Homes and Society, we must achieve moral and ethical literacy. Education that builds fundamental traits of character, spirit of teamwork, unity, honesty, compassion, courage, positive temperament, is absolutely essential.
Every parent talks about quality education and wants to give his best to his child. Quality in education is said when the knowledge is transformed into skills and has its practical application in the life to overcome the future challenges.
The author is also Chief Academic Advisor of JBCN International School and Gundecha Education Academy.Â