National Skill Qualification Framework: India


Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Skill Development & Entrepreneurship Shri Rajiv Pratap Rudy has said that the National Skill Qualification Framework (NSQF) is implemented through the National Skills Qualifications Committee (NSQC), which comprises of representatives from key central Ministries concerned with skill development, State representatives from three State Skill Development Missions (nominated by rotation every year), and sectoral representatives, depending on the sector in question – including the concerned administrative Ministry, regulatory bodies, training providers, Sector Skill Councils. The details of the progress of implementation of the NSQF are given at Annexure-I.

In a written reply in the Lok Sabha today Shri Rudy said, millions of people in India acquire skills through non-formal channels. Without any formal certification of their skills, these people are constrained to market their skills in the limited geographies and communities that know of them by word of mouth. NSQF allows all such skills to be tested and certified. This process, known as Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) will enable the millions of experientially skilled to be able to derive proposer economic and social benefits of their skills.

The Minister said, the National Skill Development Agency has launched pilots on Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) in four sectors- Agriculture, Domestic Work, Healthcare and Gems and Jewellery. A separate pilot for the construction sector by the DGET has been initiated as well.

Simultaneously a number of other agencies also initiated RPL projects in the recent months, and on the initiative of NSDA through a workshop organized on 16th February, 2015 with the stakeholders, has been proposed to formulate guidelines which is under finalization, Shri Rudy added.

Source: PIB


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