Parents’ Involvement – Paramount for a Child’s Success


By Vimmy Jolly
Chinar Public School, Alwar

In most instances, children come to school ready to learn but with different cultural, educational and environmental experiences to draw from. It is the responsibility of the educational system to meet children where they are and encourage and support their development from that point.

To promote learning for all children, educators must provide a school environment that acknowledges children’s diverse backgrounds, helps children transition comfortably into the next instructional level, and provides community supports when necessary. Such provisions support each child’s readiness to learn as well as each school’s readiness to educate young children. At the same time support from parents plays a vital role too.

Although parents conscientiously send their children off to school every day and expect them to do well, they can add an important extra ingredient that will boost their children’s success. Parent participation is the ingredient that makes the difference. Parents’ active involvement with their child’s education at home and in school brings great rewards and can have a significant impact on their children’s lives.

According to research studies, the children of involved parents:
• Are absent less frequently
• Behave better
• Do better academically from pre-school through high school
• Go farther in school

Research also shows that a home environment that encourages learning is even more important than parents’ income, education level, or cultural background. By actively participating in their child’s education at home and in school, parents send some critical messages to their child; they’re demonstrating their interest in his/her activities and reinforcing the idea that school is important.

Some specific ways for parents to become more involved in their child’s education are stated below:

At Home:
• Read to your child – Reading aloud is the most important activity that parents can do to increase their child’s chance of reading success
• Discuss books and stories you read to your child
• Help your child organize his/her time
• Limit television viewing on school nights
• Talk to your child regularly about what’s going on in school
• Check homework every night

At School:
Meet with a teacher or other school staff member to determine where, when and how help is needed and where your interest fit in.

Volunteer time Parents can:
• Read with individual children
• Assist coaches at sporting events
• Help out with arts and crafts workshops
• Speak to classes about your career or special expertise
• Help write press releases or local news articles

To conclude, if Parents and Teachers work together hand in hand, it would sure lead to an all round development of our children.


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