Newsletter Vol – 2, Issue – 16, October 2018


VOL-2, ISSUE – 16, OCTOBER 2018

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From the CEO’s desk!

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much” – Hellen Keller


At the onset, I along with the entire team of India Didactics Association would like to thank our exhibitors, partners & all delegates for the most engaging Didac India 2018 and making the 10th edition of the Event a grand success. We feel proud that this edition stands out as the “Best Didac ever” witnessing a huge participation of education fraternity from India and abroad.

The overarching theme this year was #UnitingForEducation that brought together all Education Leaders & Stakeholders on the only platform in Asia to share their knowledge, learn new practices and network with global peers. The event was a conglomerate of who’s who of the sector, converging for the Exhibition, Conference, Workshops, Education awards, Industry awards, Round Table discussions & much more.

We are excited to share the Event Highlights and look forward to continuously engaging with you to take Education & Training to the Next Level… Together!

Proud Moment for IDA!

On the occasion of 10th edition of Didac India, Didacta Germany appoints Mr. Aditya Gupta CEO – India Didactics Association as the First – “International Brand Ambassador for Education. “



Didac India Exhibition Overview

The Event commenced with a grand opening by International ministers & ministry delegates from 11 countries, 7 state ministers and key education stakeholders.

The 10th edition of Didac India witnessed a huge success with participation from:

  • 200+ exhibitors over 15 countries

  • 1800 + innovative edtech resources & solutions

  • 13,000+ educators from over 32 countries & covering all 29 States & 3 Union Territories of India

New elements added to the 10th edition of the event received an overwhelming response from all education stakeholders that include:

  • Round Table Meets

  • Didac Talks

  • MakerSpace & Experiential zone

  • Didac India Mascot – “ED


TIESS Conference

The International Education & Skill Summit (TIESS) was held concurrent to Didac India exhibition. Driven by 3 days of 15+ sessions on powerful & thought provoking deliberations by education leaders on challenges, solutions & opportunities of bringing an exponential change in the education sector of the country & creating roadmaps for new development.


IDA Connect Workshops

30+ parallel Workshops were conducted at Didac India over 3 days. Each session was witnessed filled to capacity with all pre-registered audiences turning educators into inquisitive learners for acquiring latest pedagogical advancements and skills.


IDA Awards – Education

IDA Education awards witnessed an overwhelming response from education institutes with over 750 nominations received for 20 categories from 17 states of India. 24 awards, 5 distinctive citations and 5 grand jury awards were given out making IDA Education Awards a huge success. Click here to view the winners.


IDA Awards – Corporate

For over half-a-decade, IDA Corporate Awards have become the most recognized and established ‘Honor of Achievement’ for the industries in Education & Training sector. With 300+ nominations from top companies, 75 finalists, 14 winners and 4 distinctive citations were selected making it the most prestigious award of the sector. It was the award night of achievement, music and celebrations! Click here to view the winners.


Didac Talks

Didac Talks became The Voice of Exhibitors & Educators who took this wonderful opportunity to share their Experiences, Ideas, Suggestions and Thoughts towards the progress of Education & Training sector.


Round Tables

The focus of Didac Round Table sessions was on policy making and bridging the gap between skills and knowledge. It led to crucial discussions on learning outcomes and improving employability of students by ensuring adequate mix of skills and knowledge by education leaders of India and international delegates.

Maker’s Space/ Experiential Zone

Didac India introducted Maker’s Space and an Experiential Zone that was a DIY fun space where educators gathered to create, invent and learn. In 3 days the arena witnessed a constant flow of educators over enthralled with innovative and experential pedagogy.


Media Coverage

Didac India and Asian Summit on Education & Skills garnered extensive media coverage in key publications and channels. The event has always been a platform for media to interact with all education stakeholders including ministers, exhibitors and visitors from Indian states and international countries.


Date Announced for Didac India 2019


Secretariat :

422 – 423, DLF Tower A,
Jasola District Centre, New Delhi – 110025


Telefax: +91-11-46535555


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