How to be a GREAT Teacher to foster a positive classroom environment


By Mr. Daljeet Rana
CT Public School, Jalandhar

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning”.

Teaching is one of the most important professions in today’s society. As a teacher, you will shape the minds of others and encourage them to think independently. To become a good teacher, it’s important to be organized, create lesson plans, objectives, activities and assessment plan well before each class day. Get your students interested in learning by fostering a positive, supportive yet challenging classroom environment.

Developing a good classroom environment

1. Create a daily objective for your students. A great classroom environment comes from the heart, not from the wallet. Its build on love, laughter and the feeling that everyone belongs. This is your way of providing a roadmap for your students. It shows then that you’ve put thought into the day’s work and you know where it is heading. It’s best if the objectives are clear, brief and realistic.

2. Listen to your students
Ask them open-ended questions after they have made a statement. Encourage them to ask you questions as well. Give them eye contact while they are speaking and try your best not to interrupt.

  • Being an active listener shows your students that you respect their voice in the classroom.
  • It’s also a good idea to model for your students how respectfully listen to someone while disagreeing with them.

3. Keep students on task. Set time limits for classroom exercises or activities.

4. Push your students to succeed. Try to create an environment in which your students will be constantly intellectually challenged.

Dealing with classroom challenges

“It’s the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom”.

1. Discipline in a prompt and thoughtful way. Make the rules for your classroom and each exercise very clear and consistent. If a student breaks a rule, handle it immediately in the classroom before moving forward.

2. Assign leadership roles to difficult students.

“A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way”.

Some students create problems in a classroom due to sheer boredom or feeling disconnected from the subject of their teacher. Start with giving a challenging student small, personal tasks to complete. Then over time, give them more difficult and public responsibilities.

3. Express a personal interest in all students. “Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all.” If you show your students that you enjoy their company and value their opinions, then they are far less likely to exhibit challenging classroom behaviors. Make a point of asking your students about their daily lives and personal interest.

4. Give quiet students many avenues of participation. There are many possible reasons why a student might remain silent in your classroom. Encourage them to learn by creating a safe environment for all opinions.

Offers assistance to struggling students

“Teach to the individual, not to the curriculum”.

Do your best to identify students who are struggling academically early on. Consider offering in-class resources, such as pair exercises.

Maintaining the Right Mindset teaching

“Teachers, who love teaching, teach children to love learning”.

1. Dress appropriately for your teaching environment. Keep your teaching materials and classroom organized. Spend time preparing for each day of teaching. Show respect when talking with your colleagues and administrators.

2. Laugh and keep your sense of humor: 

“Students may forget what you said but they will not forget how you made them feel”. Try to teach your students that learning doesn’t have to be serious 24/7.

3. Repeat positive mantras on bad days

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the world.”

Not every teaching day will go perfectly and some might even fall into the category of disaster. However, it’s important to stay positive or your students will pick up and reflect energy. Take a moment to feel yourself, “It’s going to be ok.” Or, “Tomorrow is a new day.” Put a smile on your face and keep going.

4. Create good relationships with the parents of students

“Great teachers focus not on compliance but on connections and relationships.”

Communication is key when working with parents. Keep in touch with them via in-person conferences as well as written behavioral reports, Make contact with the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA) at your school and ask what you can do the help.

Improving as a Teacher: 

“Every teacher needs to improve not because they are not good enough, but because they can be even better.”

Seek out teaching mentors: 
1. Look for other teachers at your school who are willing to discuss teaching with you or who will even let you sit in on their classes. If they are interested, invite them to your classroom as well.

After they have seen you teach, ask them to provide you with suggestions for how you can be an even better teacher.

2. Take advantage of professional development opportunities

“If you want to be a master teacher you have to be a master learner.”

Go to teaching conferences in your area and meet other education professionals. Write articles about teaching and publish them in local magazines or newspapers.

Serve as a grader for exams in your area. Keep learning and you’ll be a role model for your students. As we all know learning is a lifelong process.

“Education is the most powerful resource which you can use to change the world.”

“Teaching is more than imparting knowledge; it is inspiring change.”



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