
Dr. R. Nagaraj, Vice Chancellor – Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamil Nadu, and

Dr. C. Sivapragasam, Director (Faculty Affairs and Learning Technology) – Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamil Nadu

Although the pandemic had affected and disrupted the lives of people seriously, it has also opened many new avenues. One such avenue was the promotion of online mode of teaching-learning and extensive use of digital pedagogy. As the pandemic is now in recession phase, educators across the globe are contemplating more deeply on the pros and cons in adopting either physical mode, online mode or blended mode. The concept of digital teachers and digital universities are now becoming subject matters of common talk.

It is hard to say if a common mode of teaching and learning can be universally adopted. Consequently, different courses may require different mode of teaching-learning, either in part or in full. However, irrespective of what mode of teaching-learning is adopted, the role of teacher and effective teaching should not be diluted. As they say, ‘technology can support a good teacher, but cannot replace’, it is the time when emphasis should be laid in the creation of teachers who are dedicated to teaching.

A list of self-evaluation criteria is given here which can help the teachers tremendously to be highly effective in teaching. The rating can be done in the scale of 5 (1 = low importance; 5- high importance)

     A. Imparting lasting understanding and interest in the subject.

  • Assessment of student’s preparation, background and motivation for taking a course
  • What pre-conception the student carry about the teacher and course
  • Assessment of student’s overall work load, study habits and regard for the teacher
  • As a teacher, my commitment and overall ability in teaching
  • The interest generated by exams and assignments I have designed.

    B. Imparting an understanding of uses and abuses of subject material.
  • The teaching has help develop intrinsic sense of responsibility to humanity in students
  • As a teacher, how well I have applied subject matter in humanity’s service.
  • How have I responded to abuse of knowledge area.

    C. Imparting proper attitudes, principles and character
  • My own attitude towards learning and enthusiasm to update myself
  • My enthusiasm and openness in learning in general, not just my field.
  • My willingness to change myself in order to affect changes in students
  • My responses to apparent “success” and “failure” in my own career.

    D. Imparting sense of eco-friendliness
  • Understanding the impact of our living methods on flora, fauna and environment
  • Imparting awareness of eco-friendly natural technology and development
  • My ability to perceive and explain how the subject area of study is related to eco-sustenance.
  • The way I model lifestyle in relation to eco-sustainable development
  • Understanding that everything we learn and do is eco-related.

The teacher should be able to consider these principles irrespective of the mode of teaching-learning chosen. If ways and means can be designed through stakeholder feedback on these aspects of effective teaching, it will produce long term good results.


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