EdInsights Dec – 2017


EDU BYTES Vol. 4, December 2017

UNESCO and Pearson new case study features Inclusive digital solutions. UNESCO and Pearson release new round of case studies featuring digital innovations in support of skills development. Read more

Facebook unveils programmes to boost virtual reality in India. Social media giant Facebook today unveiled two new programmes for startups and engineering students in India, aimed at promoting new-age technologies like virtual reality (VR). Read more

Russia keen to develop education programmes with India using modern digital technology. Cooperation with India is one of the “priorities” for the Russian Federation, which is keen to explore potential collaboration opportunities, including in “developing joint education programmes” using modern digital technology, according to the country’s Ministry of Education and Science. Read more

Supreme Court to pass orders on disabled-friendly educational institutes. The Supreme Court on Tuesday said it will pass order on a plea seeking to make higher education institutions physically accessible for differently-abled students. Read more

Need schools that bridge education and development. International education is more relevant today than it has ever been. The world is becoming more global, cultural barriers are getting smashed and an International baccalaureate is crucial for such times,” said Dr. Geoffrey Fisher, a British and Australian citizen, and Head of the Aga Khan Academy, Hyderabad. Read more

IIT-M partners EU for ‘Dual Education. Indian Institute of Technology Madras is partnering with European Union in technical education called ‘Dual Education,’ which merges classroom learning with industrial experienceRead more

In this issue:

Edu Bytes
Smart Words
Didac India Showreel

Didac India 2018

Reflections on What a School Meant to be by Sonal Ahuja Director, Shri Ram Foundation Pre School
Sonal AhujaIf you are a student :- Perhaps you are looking for a place where you can find out what you are interested in doing, and then learn how to do it; a comfortable place, where you can socialize if you want or be left alone if you want; a place where you can find action or quiet, stimulation or peace, depending on your mood. If you are a parent:- If you are a parent perhaps you are looking for a place in which your child can develop as fully as possible, in many ways, in skills, in intellect, in wisdom, in judgement, in critical ability and in self discipline, to name a few. Read more

Possibilities of Revamping Indian Education System: A Few Suggestions by Sandeep Sharma Joint CEO, SCOPE (Society for Creation of Opportunity through Proficiency in English) and OSD (Commissionerate of Higher Education), Education Department, Govt. of Gujarat.
The Indian Education System needs a complete overhaul. It has to be changed from rote-learning to concept based learning; from mugging up activity to project-based activities; from brick and mortar system to open learning environment. There are many pillars to be erected now to give a sound base to the primary, secondary, higher secondary and tertiary education. Why can’t we introduce Internships at school level? Why can’t we consider skill-based education in schools and off-schools?. Read more

Mapping the School Curriculum for Making Teaching & Learning Happen in Classrooms by Daljeet Singh Rana Principal, The Divine International School and President, Private Schools and Children Welfare Association, Himachal Pradesh.
Daljeet SinghCurriculum Mapping is a process of articulating what, when and how teaching – learning is happening in a school. It is a calendar based compilation of the contents, skills, and assessments that a child experiences at each grade level. Curriculum mapping is an extremely important tool as it maps the learner’s journey from K–12 in a school. Data on the curriculum map can be examined both horizontally through the course of any one academic year and vertically over the student’s K–12 experience. Realistic information about the curriculum that learners encounter is essential for decision making. Maps are used to locate repetitions and gaps in the curriculum. Read more

Emotional Literacy at Homes by Amjad Razal International trainer on Education, Training, Mentoring, Business coaching, Languages training, IELTS coaching and counselling.
Md. AmzadThere is no wonder in saying that in the modern epoch, everything is changing. The verb ‘change’ has transformed into a ‘term’. Old houses are modernised into new structures. Hamlets have curved into villages. Villages have revolved into cities. Cities have crooked into business places with many attractive areas to visit. Rural areas have turned into urban areas. Municipality section has rehabilitated into a metropolitan circle. There is an enormous struggle in each and every city in terms of providing facilities and amenities that make life means living. Read more


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